Each program is designed for anyone interested in learning how to meditate correctly, even if you’ve never meditated before.

Choose Your Path

Method Meditation

In-Person Group

Method Meditation

Virtual Live

Method Meditation Course

In-Person Group (8 Person Max)

In-person group meditation is exactly what you might think it sounds like. The program is taught in a live in-person setting with a max of 8 students only.

Why I Run a Live Group Format:

  • It’s enjoyable for students as they go through a sacred ceremony together. 
  • You learn new things when students ask questions you might not have thought of. 
  • You meet a community of people on a similar journey as you.

How to Get Started:

All you have to do is click the button shown below to apply and setup a very quick 15 minute introductory call with me. I always love to connect and make sure the program is the right fit for each student.

Practicing Method Meditation will:

  • Give your life more balance
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Help you sleep better
  • And last you a lifetime

Program Structure:

This program includes four consecutive 90 minute live in-person sessions.

The community will also have a safe place to connect and interact through a private Facebook group.

The Cost of Inaction according to science?:

  • Stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Foggy mind
  • Less connected to self and loved ones
  • Lack communication
  • Potential disease

A Message From Matt

Imagine scrolling through social media and you come across the picture of a young woman in a lululemon outfit sitting on a rock, near a ravine with legs crossed and hands on top of knees in some fancy finger position. This is the visual that most people think meditation should look like and that is concentrative meditation.

It usually requires long hours of focus or concentration on a point, principal and or idea and in fact, designed to be practiced by monks for 10-15 hours per day.

What we’ve done here in the West is watered it down to make it more accessible for the everyday person and most are meditating in this way for 10-15min per day. After a short while many beginnotice that they don’t continue with consistency in this way because the benefits seem negligible.

In terms of business think about return on investment(ROI). If you are doing only 10-15min of a technique that was designed to be done 10-15 hours, your ROI would be .016 in benefits. And that leads us to a technique that was designed for the everyday person, Vedic Meditation.

Method Meditation is grounded in Vedic (pronounced vay-dic) comes from the word Veda meaning “to know”. This technique of meditation is over 3500 years old and remains the same today.

Busy mind busy body, the body is a direct print out of the mind and this is used in law enforcement quite frequently in interrogation scenarios. Now in this meditation its the same but opposite as we are quieting the mind and allow it to settle to its most de-excited state. This allows for that same psychosomatic effect to occur thereby relaxing and de-exiting the body. 

 Studies indicate that we are resting to a degree that can be up to 5x more, minute for minute, than our deepest states of sleep. This deep healing rest allows the body to naturally and spontaneously begin releasing stresses that we have stored up in our nervous system causing activity in the body, bringing back up to the active levels whereby the mind gets drawn up along with it.

Contrary to everything you’ve ever heard, that’s why thoughts are actually “good” in meditation because it’s evidence of stress being released from the nervous system. Now what you do with these thoughts is what I teach you on the course.

Method Meditation Course

Virtual Live (2 Person Max)

In-person group meditation is exactly what you might think it sounds like. The program is taught in a live in-person setting with a max of 8 students only.

Why I Run a Live Group Format:

  • It’s enjoyable for students as they go through sacred rituals together. 
  • You learn new things when students ask questions you might not have thought of. 
  • You meet a community of people on a similar journey as you.

How to Get Started:

All you have to do is click the button shown below to apply and setup a very quick 15 minute introductory call with me. I always love to connect and make sure the program is the right fit for each student.

Practicing Method Meditation will:

  • Give your life more balance
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Help you sleep better
  • And last you a lifetime 

Program Structure:

This program includes four consecutive 90 minute live in-person sessions.

The community will also have a safe place to connect and interact through a private Facebook group.

The Cost of Inaction according to science?:

  • Stress
  • Poor sleep
  • Foggy mind
  • Less connected to self and loved ones
  • Lack communication
  • Potential disease